Left4Craft has been around for over 8 years, and the best way to support its continued growth is by purchasing a recurring rank.
All players get a 1 month free trial on their first subscription.
User+ Rank
$1.49/ month
Donor Rank
$4.99/ month
Patron Rank
$7.99/ month
Patron+ Rank
$14.99/ month
If you don't want to subscribe to a rank, you can buy lifetime ranks, cosmetics keys and coins with a one-time purchase.
Running a quality Minecraft server can be expensive in the long run. Many costs, including domain registration, website hosting, and server hosting are ongoing. Subscriptions are the only way to sustainably fund Left4Craft in the long run.
Yes and yes. All Minecraft accounts (not emails) who have not subscribed before will get a free 30-day trial of any rank, after which billing will begin. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, for any reason, including during the trial period. For full details, see our Terms of Service.
Yes! Simply enter their Minecraft username during the checkout process. You can manage multiple active subscriptions at once.
Cosmetic coins and keys can be used to obtain cosmetic items in-game such as balloons, pets, and gadgets. To open the cosmetics menu, go to hub, survival, or creative and use "/cosmetics". To use a key, go to hub (by the party games portal), survival spawn, or creative spawn, and right click the chest that says "Open Treasure."
You can reach out on the official Discord server linked in the footer of this page or email support@left4craft.org for assistance.